Reduces Cleaning Time by up to 90%
Enduro Shield Glass Protection

Enduro Shield used on a frameless shower screen
Once only application: permanently bonds to glass & tiles
EnduroShield® is not a traditional coating that sits on the
surface, but chemically bonds, becoming a permanent extension
to the surface.
Protects against corrosion and etching from
contaminants including soap scum and lime scaling
Untreated glass & tiles are porous and as a result, they absorb
contaminants and pollution which cause deterioration and
discolouration. The deterioration of the surface makes cleaning
more frequent and more difficult. EnduroShield® seals the
porosity of the surface helping prevent the deterioration
caused by etching and corrosion. As a result the time and
frequency of cleaning your glass & tiles is reduced.
Maintenance costs are significantly reduced
As EnduroShield® creates a permanent non-stick coating which
greatly reduces the time spent cleaning; maintenance
costs can be reduced. EnduroShield® protects the surface
from staining and etching, eliminating the need for expensive
restoration or replacement.
Works on all glass & ceramic tiles including bathroom mirrors
EnduroShield® is suitable for application to all glass surfaces.
Effective on all glass surfaces, EnduroShield® can be used on
bathroom mirrors, windows and doors.
EnduroShield® is a permanent non-stick, protective coating for use on all glass & tile surfaces. Using state of the art nanotechnology.
EnduroShield acts as a permanent shield to seal the porosity of the surface, allowing contaminants to reside on an easy to clean protective coating. The invisible coating, which is only two molecules thick, protects against staining and etching reducing cleaning by up to 90%.

Enduroshield example image used in commercial location

Enduro Shield before and after treatment sample image
"It's Like Water of a Duck's Back!"
Phone Sonya today on 0400 241 209 for more information about Enduroshield on the Sunshine Coast.